

The first weeks of school have passed with the excitement that comes with a fresh start and a new experience. For international students, it is nothing short of a dream — every day there’s something new! But what happens when life settles down and one’s mind drifts to home... 家人,家常菜,自己的房间? Homesickness can creep up on anyone who ventures away from the security of what they know. 它会很痛苦,甚至使人虚弱. But let me tell you from my own experience that homesickness, 当克服, is a lesson in life that will leave you stronger and able to travel anywhere in our world with the knowledge that home, 以及所有的舒适, 你回来的时候会在那里吗. (这就是为什么我如此坚信 年轻人出国旅游.)

Upon graduation from high school, I spent a year in Europe on my own. It felt like such an exotic plan that I did not give such a lengthy separation from my friends and family a second thought. 然而, 一旦海外, 我发现自己置身于陌生人之中, muddling through new langu年龄s and cultures to the point of exhaustion. 我累了,寂寞了,想家了. My mom would console me over the phone with promises of a trip home for the holidays, 但是每个月过去了, I came to realize that my parents intended for me to stay and mature and 成长 stronger. It was difficult in the beginning — perhaps the most trying time of my young life — but as my year abroad neared its end, 我意识到我真的没有 需要 回家. In fact, I wouldn't have minded staying longer! My year abroad was life-changing in many ways, especially due to this newly found confidence and independence. 直到今天, I have a strength in my heart that came from that experience, the strength to venture away and know that home will be there when I get back. 

幸运的是, 在韦德娱乐app下载地址学校, it's easy to keep busy and find mentors and friends to lean on when you're feeling down. That said, here are my tips for overcoming homesickness, wherever you may be:

  • Remember that your current situation is only temporary
  • 充分休息
  • 吃健康的食物,保持水分
  • Find a mentor at school who will listen to your concerns 
  • Limit time communicating with family and friends back home (it can lead to wallowing and missing out on new experiences)
  • Stay busy with exercise, activities, and exploring your new environment
  • When feeling blue, surround yourself with friends


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